North America 2.0

The original World of Railways project began out of curiosity, surrounding a historical what-if: what if the Great Northern had selected a northern route for its pacific terminus, not Seattle, as was proposed? This proved historically infeasible, and a fictional railroad was quickly substituted.

The elevation profile, path and circle tools in Google Earth make it possible to create fictional, but geographically feasible rail lines that could have been created had historical events gone differently.

These World 2.0 pages are set up to share these additions to the global railway network. Segmented by railroad, this page notes the various additions and changes I have made. I hope that you find these files interesting, and that they leave you curious as to what could be and might have been.

Blue links will allow you to download the zip files, which can be unzipped and opened in Google Earth.



Class One Railroads

Kansas City Southern (KCS) 2.0

Additions: Graysonia, Nashville and Ashdown, and Murfreesboro, Nashville and Southwestern (parts of original Memphis, Dallas and Gulf); Louisiana and North West, and North Louisiana and Gulf (which in World 1.0 eventually became part of KCS via MidSouth Rail Corporation).

Short Lines

Short Lines 2.0

Please note this file is still a work in progress and will be updated as the project progresses. Current inclusions:

  • ARR: Alaska Railroad
  • ALM: Arkansas, Louisiana, and Midland
  • BAP: Butte, Anaconda and Pacific
  • WP&Y: White Pass and Yukon